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Rev. Joel Overduin, Pastor of the Vineland Free Reformed Church

Born in Surrey, British Columbia, and raised in Southwestern Ontario, Rev. Joel Overduin earned an undergraduate degree at Trinity Western University in Langley, British Columbia, and attended Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

Ordained in 2005, Rev. Overduin previously served the Bethel Free Reformed Church of Mitchell, accepting a pastoral call to serve the Vineland congregation in 2013. An accomplished organist, Rev. Overduin, along with wife, Marianne, and children, Sarah, Zachary, Jonathan, Kristin and Lynelle, live in Vineland.

Rev. Pastor VanderMeyden, Emeritus Pastor of the Vineland Free Reformed Church

Born in Apeldoorn, the Netherlands, and raised in Southwestern Ontario, Rev. Pieter VanderMeyden earned an undergraduate degree at Calvin College in Grand Rapids, Michigan, and attended the Protestant Reformed Theological School in Grandville, Michigan.

Ordained in February 1978, Rev. VanderMeyden first served the Vineland congregation until 1981, accepting a call to serve the Langley Free Reformed Church in British Columbia. Rev. VanderMeyden accepted a call to serve the Western Michigan-based Grand Rapids Free Reformed Church in 1990, called again by the Vineland congregation in 2001.

Rev. VanderMeyden, along with wife, Margaret, live in Vineland, and are the parents of seven children, Sonia, Martha, Rosanna, Aaron, Catharine, David and Lydia, and several grandchildren.

Dave Tamminga (Chair)
Garry Postma (Vice-Chairman)
Matt Terlouw (Recording Clerk)
John VanGameren (Corresponding Clerk)
Pastor Joel Overduin


9:30 AM Worship Service

*Silent Prayer
*Votum and Salutation
Reading of the Law
Scripture Reading
Pastoral Prayer
Gift Offering
Prayer of Thanksgiving

*Indicates Standing

3:30 PM Worship Service

*Silent Prayer
*Votum and Salutation
Scripture Reading
Pastoral Prayer
Gift Offering
Prayer of Thanksgiving
*Apostles Creed

In our worship services we use the New King James Version translation of the Bible and the 1912 Psalter for public praise.

History of the Vineland Free Reformed Church

A congregation committed to the faithful proclamation of the Word and Gospel of Christ, the Vineland Free Reformed Church was instituted on October 22, 1958. Sympathetic to warm, experiential preaching, the fledgling congregation, affiliated with the Christelijke Gereformeerde Kerken in Nederland (Christian Reformed Churches in the Netherlands), was first served by founding pastor, Rev. Johannes de Waal, along with wife, Adriana, as well as charter office bearers, Jacob Bout, John Meeboer and Bill Bruinekool.

The first worship services held at the United Mennonite Church in Vineland, the congregation established roots in the Twenty Valley, purchasing the church building of the United Mennonite Church in 1958.

Rev. de Waal served the Vineland congregation until 1961, accepting a pastoral call to the Christelijke Gereformeerde Kerk te Klundert (Christian Reformed Church of Klundert) in the Netherlands.

During the ensuing vacancy, a number of visiting pastors supported the congregation, including Rev. Isaäc van der Knijff, Rev. Jacob Westerink, Rev. Willem Laman, Rev. Johannes Keuning, Rev. Cornelis Noordegraaf and Rev. Jacob Tamminga, filling the pulpit and homes of the congregation with Biblical teaching and counsel. A number of ministries and societies were established by the congregation, including a Sunday School, mission society, men's society, young people's society and choir.

Rev. Jacob Overduin, Pastor of the Bethel Free Reformed Church of Mitchell, accepted a pastoral call to Vineland in 1970. The experienced Gospel messenger, along with wife, Willy, served the congregation faithfully, witnessing the blessing of the Lord on the proclamation of the Word and fellowship of the saints. Rev. Overduin served the congregation until 1976, accepting a call to the Pitt Meadows Free Reformed Church in British Columbia.

A building committee was established to address the growth of the congregation. A new sanctuary was built in 1978 at 3685 King Street in Vineland, the old church building on Victoria Avenue sold and demolished.

The congregation received a third pastor when Candidate Pieter VanderMeyden, a recent graduate of the Theological School of the Protestant Reformed Churches in America, accepted a pastoral call to Vineland in 1978. Rev. VanderMeyden and wife, Margaret, became actively involved in the spiritual development of the congregation, assisting various ministries and societies, as well as establishing a church library. The young pastor served the congregation until 1981, when he accepted a call to the Langley Free Reformed Church in British Columbia, establishing spiritual roots on which to build later in his ministry.

A faith-based response to the Southeast Asian refugee crisis, the congregation welcomed a number of displaced Vietnamese families in 1980 and 1982.

Rev. Jan Pieter Boiten, Pastor of the Hoeksteen Christelijke Gereformeerde Kerk te Schiedam (Cornerstone Christian Reformed Church of Schiedam) in the Netherlands, supported the congregation for three months in 1983. The Gospel messenger, along with wife, Maria, visited each family in the congregation during his season of ministry.

Rev. Carl Schouls, Pastor of the Bethel Free Reformed Church, accepted a pastoral call to Vineland in 1984, beginning a pastorate, supported by wife, Margaret, marked by continuous growth and maturity. Under the regular faithful exegesis of the Word, the growing chorus of worshippers was joined by the majestic notes of a new pipe organ, installed and dedicated in the sanctuary of the church building in 1984.

The growing congregation expanded its ministry, seeking spiritual harvest on the mission field in Central America. A mission outpost was established in Cubulco, Guatemala, and the congregation called an additional pastor, Candidate Ken Herfst, ordained in 1991. A graduate of the Canadian Reformed Theological Seminary in Hamilton, Rev. Herfst and wife, Jackie, traveled to Cubulco, joining Bible translators, Gary and Martha DeSterke, and relief workers, John and Connie Otten. A new mission church, the Iglesia Reformada de Cubulco, was instituted in 1995.

In 1992, the Vineland congregation, committed to a Biblical and confessional view of Christian education, along with four local United Reformed congregations, helped establish Heritage Christian School in Jordan.

Rev. Schouls served the congregation until 1999, accepting a pastoral call to the Chatham Free Reformed Church. The congregation continued to experience growth, leading to a church plant above the Niagara Escarpment in Wellandport in 2001. With a charter membership of 160 members, the new fellowship began to meet at Wellandport Christian School and was instituted as the Zion Free Reformed Church in 2002.

The congregation called and received Rev. Pieter VanderMeyden as a pastor again in 2001, reuniting church and pastor. A second missionary pastor, Rev. Evert Everts, Pastor of the Christelijke Gereformeerde Kerk te Ulrum (Christian Reformed Church of Ulrum) in the Netherlands, along with wife, Rina, accepted a call in 2001 to serve the mission church in Culbulco.

The Vineland congregation partnered with the Heritage Reformed Congregation of Jordan and Immanuel United Reformed Church of Jordan in 2003 in an effort to minister to the growing number of migrant workers who labour in the vineyards, orchards, nurseries and greenhouses of Niagara. First served by Rev. Harry Bout, along with wife, Joanne, the ministry, which includes weekly Hispanic evening services and English as a Second Language classes, as well as monthly soccer outreaches, is currently led by Wilf Bout, along with wife, Sharon.

A response to continued growth, a building committee was established and an expanded sanctuary and fellowship hall was built in 2013. The old church building was demolished to accommodate additional parking.

Rev. Joel Overduin, Pastor of the Bethel Free Reformed Church, accepted a call to serve the Vineland congregation in 2013, continuing, along with wife, Marianne, the pastoral legacy of grandfather, Rev. Jacob Overduin.

In 2018, the congregation commemorated sixty years of congregational life.

  • Sunday School
  • Catechism
  • Confession
  • Kingdom Seekers
  • Cadets
  • Young Peoples
  • College & Careers
  • Women's Study
  • Men's Study
  • Small Group Study

The children's Sunday School program is scheduled after the morning worship service every Sunday. There are eight classes, beginning with children ages 4 and continuing to ages 11. Sunday School students meet for Bible stories, memory work and singing and participate in two special concerts each year.

Please see the attached Sunday School Roster.

January 2024 - May 2024

To find out more about the Sunday School program, please contact: Tay Beeke at 289-690-2569.

Led by an elder, the junior (grades 7 & 8) catechism class meet every Sunday after the morning service at 11:00 AM. Led by our Pastor Joel Overduin, both intermediate (grades 9 & 10) and senior (grades 11 & 12) catechism classes meet every Wednesday evening. Intermediates meet at 7:00 PM & Seniors at 8:00 PM at the church.

The classes are based on the Heidelberg Catechism (1563), a question and answer manual of Christian instruction. The Heidelberg Catechism is one of three historic Reformed confessions, along with the Belgic Confession (1561) and Canons of Dordt (1618-1619).

To find out more about the classes, please contact Pastor Joel Overduin.

Led by pastor Joel Overduin, the confession of faith class meets every Wednesday at 9:00 PM at the church. The class is geared for baptized members of the congregation and new believers in the church who wish to publicly confess their faith in Jesus Christ.

To find out more about the classes, please contact Pastor Joel Overduin.

Kingdom Seekers is a club for girls ages 9-13. We meet every other Thursday evening from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. Our purpose is to provide a program to involve young girls in interactive learning focused on Bible knowledge.  This program includes a Bible lesson, craft time, and badge work. In addition, the girls attend an annual rally and go on various outings together to promote friendships and togetherness.

Contact: Jeanette DeVries (Head counselor): (905)892-3029.

For those wishing to attend the Cadet Camporee, please fill out the following form: CamporeeRegistrationForm
The Vineland Cadet Club welcomes all boys aged 9-13 from the church and the community. Our mission is to help boys grow more Christlike in all areas of life.
We meet every Thursday night in the Vineland Free Reformed Church from 7:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M. for Bible studies and crafts/projects.
For more information, visit the Berean Council website. Click on "Clubs," then "Vineland."


Contact: Adam Radsma (Head Counselor) vinelandcadets@live.ca or (905)563-1540

Young Peoples:
Led by Kevin & Kelly Slingerland and Jake & Allison Hoek, the youth group meets every other Sunday after the second service at the church for Bible study and fellowship.



A dynamic mix of couples and singles, the young adults group meets every other Sunday evening at the home of Mike & Victoria Zwiep for Bible study & fellowship.
To find out more about the young adults group, please contact Mike & Victoria at 905-892-9160.

Morning Ladies Bible Study: Meets every Tuesday at 9:30-11:30 a.m. at the church for Bible Study and fellowship.
For more information contact: Laurie VanVliet (905)658-4996.
Babysit is provided.

Men's Bible Study Groups:
Two men's Bible study groups meet, one every other Wednesday evening at 7:30 PM at the church and the second on Saturday mornings at 6:45 AM.

To find out more about the Saturday men's Bible study, please contact: Owen Hebbert at 289-690-5415.
To find out more about the Wednesday evening men's Bible study, please contact:
Allan Brouwer (289)214-2782 or George Bok (905)562-4319.

Small Group Study
Courtney Terharmsel (905)329-5853

  • Awake to Praise Choir
  • Babysit/Nursery
  • COA
  • Evangelism
  • Funeral
  • Helping Hands
  • Kitchen/Fundraising
  • Library
  • Migrant Ministry
  • Mission
  • Organ
  • Recording Ministry
  • Website

Awake to Praise Choir

Erik VanDyk will be at the helm this year!
This year's pieces will be in a broad range from contemporary to classical.
Our practices are in this church every Monday from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m.

To find out more about the Awake to Praise choir please contact:
Scott Slingerland at email: scottslinger@gmail.com


Contact: Stephanie Meeboer (289)686-6334 or email: ssmeeboer@hotmail.com

Committee of Administration

John Kamphuis
Vice Chair: Derek Wolfert
Consistory Rep: Brian Bruinekool

Evangelism Committee

The Evangelism committee leads a senior's home ministry each Sunday afternoon at 1:45 PM at St. Catharines Place. The services incorporate a number of traditional hymns, prayer and a short meditation with a call to faith.

To find out more about this ministry, please contact Michael Zwiep at (905)892-9160.

Funeral Fund Committee

The Funeral Fund was implemented years ago to aid and assist its members which are drawn from the Congregations of the VFRC and the ZFRC. The Funeral Fund Board oversees the details involved in the Church funerals. Most of the costs incurred at the funerals of its members are paid for by the Fund. Annual dues are collected and dealt with in a stewardly way. The Funeral Fund publishes current information in an annual report. Questions about membership etc. should be directed to Board Members in the respective Congregations.
Luella DeJong at (905)562-7193 or
Albert Vandenbrink at (905)562-3915
Funeral Caterers: Nicole Roelofsen & Rachelle Roelofsen

Helping hands is a committee set up to help those who through sickness or other difficulties, need some assistance. We provide meals and if needed, help in the home. If you require help or know someone that does, please call the Helping Hands co-ordinator in your area.

Pelham -
Charlene Nieuwenhuyzen (905)892-4510
Vineland/Jordan -
Elly Bok (905)562-4319
St.Catharines -
Linda Slingerland (905)682-9718
Marietta Postma (905)563-1650


Kitchen Fundraising Committee

Marnie Werdekker or Laurie VanVliet

Church Facility Rentals:
Please fill out the application form below for the renting of our facilities:

Click to view: Rental application


Kerri Radsma:  (905)563-1540

Migrant Worker Ministry

The Vineland Free Reformed Church has been ministering to the growing number of migrant workers who labour in Niagara's vineyards, orchards, nurseries and greenhouses each summer since 2001.

Partnering with the nearby Heritage Reformed Congregation of Jordan and the Immanuel Orthodox Reformed Church in 2003, the ministry now includes weekly Spanish worship services, Bible studies, English classes and monthly soccer outreaches. Here is the link to our spanish website: http://www.caminandocondios.com/

Under a special agreement made in 2004 between the three Niagara churches and Eternal Life Mission, a joint undertaking of Messiah's Independent Reformed Church of Holland, Michigan and the Hope Reformed Church of Toronto, missionary pastor Rev. Harry Bout and his wife Joanne ministered to the workers each growing season during the months of April, May, June, September and October while son and daughter-in-law, Wilf and Sharon Bout, ministered to the workers during the months of July and August. Wilf and Sharon have been ministering to the workers year-round since 2009.

For more information: Please contact Wilf Bout at: wilfredbout@hotmail.com

Sunday Evening Worship
Service Los Domingos, La Iglesia Immanuel
Time: 7:00 PM
Place: Immanuel Orthodox Reformed Church

Tuesday Evening Bible Study and English Class
Los Martes, La Iglesia Heritage
Time: 7:30 PM
Place: Heritage Reformed Congregation of Jordan

Saturday Soccer Outreach
Hosting Church
Time: 6:30 PM
Place: Heritage Christian School

If you are willing to drive migrant workers to and from the various meetings,
please contact:
Ben Terharmsel at 905-329-5853 or email: benterharmsel@hotmail.com

Anyone who would like to help this ministry by providing baked goods for the meetings,
please contact:
Rachelle Roelofsen at 905-892-1496.

Mission Committee

Contact: John Jansen at (905)562-0757 or email: jjansen1@cogeco.ca

The organ is the primary instrument used in our church for worship services.
Our Organists are:

Garry Postma
David Vandenberg
Martin Vandenbeukel

Recording Contact: Jake Hoek

Video Contact: Kevin Smit

Audio Contact: Dave Vandermeulen

Sound System Contacts: Rick Heikoop

Web Committee:

Linda Brouwer
Kevin Smit
Dave Tamminga
Dave Vandermeulen
Mike Zwiep

Do you find this website user-friendly? If not let us know how we can improve it.

If there is information in this website which is no longer current or if you would like
to add information to the committee or study group you are involved with, do
not hesitate to forward this as well.

Your feedback would be greatly appreciated. lbrouwer9@gmail.com

Please take a moment to fill out our survey. Website Analysis